(10-21-2020, 06:53 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: Selina hears the yell and sighs dejectedly, rolling her eyes and giving Tomeal an almost pained look that he is sure to instantly translate as Why ME?
"How many more surprises are we going to let ourselves get surprised by?" she asks rhetorically.
Tomeal hears the exclamation and instantly startles to the ready. But after registering no battle cries or howls of agony or limbs being ripped from bodies, he looks at Selina and replies, "I've heard the term, herding cats, but never truly understood what it meant until joining this group of Stalwart Adventures. ( See what I did there?

When his ears pick up the sounds of conversation Tomeal listens to what is said and realizes someone is speaking Ragamoll. He had listened closely to conversations in the city and asked questions of Simon until he was finally starting to get the hang of common words and phrases. He wasn't fully fluent but he understood enough to get the jist of basic conversations. Before Simon jumps in, Tomeal, eager to test out what he has learned, asks in a mixture of Common and Ragamoll that he hoped both sides would understand, "What happening?"