09-11-2020, 08:14 PM
Guess we have a few more items to divide.
Ningalu already has ac 22 I think Nang could use the amulet or Ioun stone for AC once he regains normal form, but for now Betimi, Selina, or Tomreal should take the amulet of natural armor or Ioun stone of AC
The pack mule Ioun stone has the mos benefit if given to Tomreal, with his now 20 Str.. it will double his light load from 133 lbs. to 266 lbs.
Ningalu would love the Cracked, dusty Rose Prism: +1 competence bonus on initiative checks; 500gp (Seems very cheap); CL: 12
bonus t Initiative to catch foes flat-footed is handy.
Ningalu already has ac 22 I think Nang could use the amulet or Ioun stone for AC once he regains normal form, but for now Betimi, Selina, or Tomreal should take the amulet of natural armor or Ioun stone of AC
The pack mule Ioun stone has the mos benefit if given to Tomreal, with his now 20 Str.. it will double his light load from 133 lbs. to 266 lbs.
Ningalu would love the Cracked, dusty Rose Prism: +1 competence bonus on initiative checks; 500gp (Seems very cheap); CL: 12
bonus t Initiative to catch foes flat-footed is handy.