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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)

Yasmine arrives at the strange sunken fortress that the leader of her order asked her to investigate.  The place where those filthy goblins seemed to be giving out spring and winter apples. As she arrives she sees a rope dangling down into the depths and she notices several robust looking people that are obviously adventurers starting to head down the stairs from the first landing.  Well that saves her time trying to find other adventurers to help her explore the place. So she calls down to them to get their attention.  She only slightly peeks over the edge though, she doesn't want a startled adventurer to pincushion her with an arrow or two. 

---Arius, Kriv, Athos and Nightingale---

Several of the adventurers hear someone call down from up above. It's faint, but all of you look up to the top to see an elvish looking woman peeking over the edge. "Hello! Are you all about to explore the Citadel?"
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 08-26-2020, 11:52 PM

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