10-06-2015, 09:42 PM
Hexblade Curses [Feats]
Curse of Distraction [Hex]
Your Hexblade's curse can distract your opponent, making spellcasting difficult for him.
Prerequisite: Any other hex feat, hexblade's curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, your victim must make a Concentration check in order to cast a spell. As a hexblade's curse the DC equals 15 + Spell level. As a greater curse, the DC is 20 plus spell level. As a Dire curse the DC is 25 + Spell level.
Curse of Failure [Hex]
Choose a saving throw. Your hexblade's curse reduces your victim's ability to succeed with those saves.
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you may choose to impose a -4 penalty on the saves of the chosen saving throw attempted by your victim. As a greater curse the penalty increases to -6, and finally -8 as a Dire curse.
Curse of Ignorance [Hex]
Choose two skills. Your hexblade's curse can reduce your victim's ability to use those skills.
Prerequisite: Curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you may choose to impose a -5 penalty on all skill checks of the chosen skills made by your victem. -10 as a greater curse, -15 as a dire curse.
Curse of Paranoia [Hex]
Your hexblade's curse causes your victim to become paranoid, forcing him to watch his back for enemies that don't exist.
Prerequisite: Any other hex feat, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, the bonus your allies recieve due to flanking increases to +3 against your victim, +4 as a greater curse and +6 as a dire curse.
Curse of Sloth [Hex]
Your hexblade's curse can slow your victim.
Prerequisite: Any other hex feat, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you can choose to cut your victim's movement by one-quarter (rounded down). This affects all forms of movement. As a greater curse, the penalty is 1/2, as a dire curse the penalty is 3/4 (Minimum 5 feet).
Curse of the Stricken [Hex]
Your hexblade's curse hampers your enemy's armor.
Prerequisite: Any other two hex feats, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you can reduce the protective quality of your victim's armor. As a hexblade's curse the victim's armor bonus decreases by -2 (minimum +0). As a greater curse, the penalty incrases to -4, as a dire curse the penalty increases to -6.
Curse of the Softened Blade [Hex]
Your hexblade's curse hampers your enemy's weapons.
Prerequisites: Any other two hex feats, curse ability.
Benefit: When using your hexblade's curse ability, you can reduce the potency of one of your victim's weapons. As a hexblade's curse the cursed weapon deals -2 points of damage (Minimum 1), as a greater curse this penalty increases to -4, and as a dire curse this penalty increases to -6.
Empower Curse [Hex]
Your curses are more potent.
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
Benefit: Your hexblade's curse bestows penalties 1 point greater than normal. Thus, your hexblade's curse imposes -3 penalties instead of -2 penalties, your greater hexblade's curse imposes -5 penalties and your dire hexblade's curse imposes -7 penalties.
Extend Curse [Hex]
Your hexblade's curse lasts significantly longer.
Prerequisites: Curse ability.
Benefit: Your hexblade's curse ability lasts 24 hours.
Normal: Your hexblade's curse ability lasts for 1 hour.
Foe of the Unlucky [Hex]
You may use your manipulation of bad luck to hamper your foes.
Prerequisite: Curse ability
Benefit: You may spend a use of your hexblade's curse ability to force an enemy who just confirmed a critical hit to reroll his confirmation roll. He must take the result of the second roll. You may not use this ability more than once per round.