07-23-2020, 05:22 PM
[I copy and pasted from the rules thread and added a couple of things. I will better organize this hopefully soon.]
House Rules: [These may change based upon what's best for the game.]
I have highlighted some rules green that are particularly important to remember when leveling up.
Adding: Crafting during character creation. If you have a craft skill high enough to take 10 and succeed, you may purchase crafted items at 1/3 the cost. So, if you wanted to make a longsword [DC15] you would need a craft: Weaponsmithing 5; and it would cost you 5gp's for material instead of paying 15gp to buy it at market. If you had a Craft: Weaponsmithing 10 and you wanted to add a masterwork quality to the longsword [DC20] you could use the craft skill and only pay 66gp, 6sp, 7cp instead of the usual 200gp cost. So during character creation you can 'craft' a masterwork longsword for 71gp, 6sp, 7cp; instead of paying 215gp.
House Rules: [These may change based upon what's best for the game.]
I have highlighted some rules green that are particularly important to remember when leveling up.
- Crossbow within 30' negates 2pts of armor bonus or natural armor bonus
- Able learner for free
- Diplomacy does not break reality. You can't do the impossible. DM decides what's possible based upon what makes sense for the game.
- Dice for cure wounds spells that are personally cast are 1d4+4 for every Die 8 the spell would normally grant. Magic items do not gain this bonus.
- Item Creation: Ability Bonuses: Items may be created with an odd number bonus, such as Gloves of Dexterity +1. The cost is computed as normal.
- All casters get eschew materials for all spells with a component cost of 1gp or less ONLY if they have a spell component pouch.
- No penalties for multi-classing.
- Hit points for 1st level are always Maximum. Thereafter each level is a minimum of Half+1. So a wizard would get 3; a fighter would get 6 etc.
- Rest returns healing based upon the character's average hit dice. A d4=1hp/level; d6=1.5hp's/level; d8=2hp's/level; d10=2.5hp's/level; d12=3hp's/level
- The Heal skill may return a small amount of hit points. Starting at a DC 20 you return a number of hit points based upon the receiving characters average hit dice. A d4=1hp; d6=1.5hp's; d8=2hp's; d10=2.5hp's; d12=3hp's. A DC of 25 multiplies the hit points by x2; DC 30= x3; DC35= x4; etc
- Use fractional attack and save modifiers for multi-classing found in Unearthed Arcana.
- Potion & Scroll Creation Time:1 day per 1000gp base price. If the base price is less than 1000gp, divide 1000 by the base price. This is how may you can create per day. But they can't create more than you can cast at your level.
- Turned Undead Any attack (by the cleric or his ally) on a turned undead breaks the turning effect on that undead.
- Cure wounds CAN have a casting time of 1 minute, and at that time the spell is considered Maximized - that is, all random dice are considered to have rolled the maximum number possible. Other meta-magic feats may be applied to the spell as normal. The version used is decided by the caster at the time of the casting.
- Characters who are dying (-1 to one minus Con) can attempt to stabilize with a Fortitude save, DC 10 + 1 for every negative hit point (DC 11 at -1 hp up to DC 19 at -9 hp), instead of having a flat 10% chance to stabilize. This favors fighter-types, but I'm okay with that. It also makes bleeding out a bit less random.
- Any glove or gauntlet that occupies just one hand, such as a Gauntlet of Rust or Glove of Storing, allows another single magical glove or gauntlet to be worn on the other hand as well.
- Clerics and Favored Souls must worship a deity. If players can't find one to their liking, I am open to creating one, but I don't allow Clerics that worship an "ideal." Paladins may worship an ideal
- Dying characters can last until -10 plus 1 point per con bonus. Negative penalties for low con do not effect this number.
- All shields grant 1 more point to AC than indicated, except bucklers.
- When a caster dies, any spell stays unless it's duration is Concentration. Summoned creatures continue following their last order to the best of their abilities.
- Quick Draw=quick sheath
- Monkey grip and Large build do not stack.
- One free bonus racial or regional feat at first level.
- Get a feat ever odd level.
- Get a stat point every even level. At 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level the player chooses a Mental (Int, Wis, or Cha) or Physical stat (Str, Dex, or Con). Then at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th they choose the opposite stat type. Remember, the enemies will get this bonus too. [Example: If a wizard chooses Mental for 2nd level and Physical for 4th level he would get 1 point to ONE of his mental stats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, etc and 1 point to ONE of his physical stats at 4th, 8th, 12th, etc.]
- Fighters may trade heavy armor proficiency for dodge. This is for those Swashbucklers types who will never use Heavy armor.
- Races don't receive any penalty for multi-classing. Favored classes give 4 skill points at first level and then +1 point for each level taken in the character's favored class. The class humans take at first level are considered their favorite class.
- Bluff and Diplomacy gives synergy to sense motive.
- People with Trap sense may make a spot check when they come within 5' of a trigger of a trap. The DC is the search DC of the trap +10. The character may add their trap sense modifier to the roll. The spot check IS always rolled by the DM. I believe some highly skilled characters (those with trap sense) should be able to sometimes detect a trap instinctively.
- Trap sensitivity feat: may add their Trap Sense to their roll.
- Toughness grants 1 hp per level.
- NPC classes are always treated as a favored class.
- Greatclub is a simple weapon, anyone proficient in the club is also proficient in the greatclub.
- Dismissing a spell is a swift action.
- Sorcerers gain Heritage from Pathfinder.
- Craft skills: In order to make craft skills more useful for PC’s, the rules for crafting have been slightly changed. When a successful check result is made, the progress made is determined by multiplying the check result by the DC as normal. However, instead of completing this amount of silver pieces worth of material in a week, you complete this amount of gold pieces worth of material in a week. Conversely, you complete the same number of silver pieces worth of work in 1 day.
- Meta-magic feats may be used 1 time per day on the fly. Players may take the same feat again to gain another use of that meta magic feat per day. So taking empower twice would let you use Empower twice on the fly.
- Size modifiers for hiding are also added to move silently.
Adding: Crafting during character creation. If you have a craft skill high enough to take 10 and succeed, you may purchase crafted items at 1/3 the cost. So, if you wanted to make a longsword [DC15] you would need a craft: Weaponsmithing 5; and it would cost you 5gp's for material instead of paying 15gp to buy it at market. If you had a Craft: Weaponsmithing 10 and you wanted to add a masterwork quality to the longsword [DC20] you could use the craft skill and only pay 66gp, 6sp, 7cp instead of the usual 200gp cost. So during character creation you can 'craft' a masterwork longsword for 71gp, 6sp, 7cp; instead of paying 215gp.
- All printed WotC sourcebooks for D&D 3.5 are allowed sources.
- Official Dragonlance sourcebooks for D&D 3.5 are allowed sources.
- Subject to approval by the DM is any content from Dragon Magazine, and Dreamscarred Press SRD http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/
Quote:Adding soon...
Game-play House Rules
Action Points: we will be using the Action Point Rules here: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adven...Points.htm Each character will recieve 5+1/2 ther character level in Action Points per level, and they do not roll-over. Characters get a new pool of action points each level.