07-21-2020, 03:40 PM
(07-21-2020, 01:49 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: Ningalu...flying? Why hadn't he told her about this capability before?? Why hadn't he used it before??
Suspicious Selina: Know arcana: [1d20] = 14
[OoC: Unfortunately, Selina doesn't have any ranks in Know: Arcana. So that means she is only possibly aware of common (DC:10) information. Whatever is happening is not common information. The only knowledge skills you have ranks in are Religion and History. Unfortunately, neither will be of help here.
What I do think is funny is how Selina is surprised by the flight but apparently thinks nothing about Ning belching forth a 30' cone of acidic fire!

- Simon 21
- Ning 20
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18
- Dog 17
- Selina 16
- Tomeal 15
- Betimi 10
Will Save: [1d20+5] = 1+5 = 6; Failed!!
The little creature reels in pain while releasing a shrill, chalk board scratching, sound. Tomeal yells in pain at the same time. "Stop it!"
[Tomeal takes 6 points of subdual damage.]
[The creature looks pretty wobbly.]
The little critter spreads its batlike wings and suddenly a burst of dazzling light explodes from its body. It then flies (half speed) through the canopy, deeper into the cave! [K-0; at the very top.]
[Betimi must make a DC14 Fortitude save or be dazzled. Suffering -1 penalty to all attack rolls for 1 HOUR!]