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Talking with the Professor ~Limited~
She takes the offered tea, thinking about the question for a bit before answering. "I guess... it makes a certain amount of sense, considering what happened with Jessica Ryon. Which makes me wonder if she will eventually... come out... as well, or if she'll stay buried in the back of my mind... And whether this will just keep happening. Am I just going to collect people I know who have died, for the rest of my life?" At the moment, those are rhetorical questions, the answers to which are beyond them. "I have to admit, despite her attitude, Demi isn't a bad headmate. When she takes control, things are finally quiet. It's like being in a sound-proof room. The only voices there are hers and mine. It gives me a break from all the thoughts."

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RE: Talking with the Professor ~Limited~ - by Aurum - 09-27-2015, 04:06 AM
RE: Professor Xavier's office - by Porsche Villar - 09-22-2015, 02:43 PM

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