02-15-2020, 04:54 AM
[OoC sorry for the wait, ben a tough week]
20.0 Dez - unconscious
19.04 Station Security A (Guard 6.A)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards 6.k-L)
16.02 Station Security C (Guards 7.xx)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
15.03 Well dressed man
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.0965 H1-MK2
14.096 Njon
Unskilled in anything to do with piloting, gunnery or navigation, Callie opts to sit down across from the Imperial piloy, where she can keep an eye on him. she buckles in.
Ubi, proficient in heavy weapons, moves into the cockpit and buckles into oneof the two gunner chairs.
20.0 Dez - unconscious
19.04 Station Security A (Guard 6.A)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards 6.k-L)
16.02 Station Security C (Guards 7.xx)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
15.03 Well dressed man
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.0965 H1-MK2
14.096 Njon
Unskilled in anything to do with piloting, gunnery or navigation, Callie opts to sit down across from the Imperial piloy, where she can keep an eye on him. she buckles in.
Ubi, proficient in heavy weapons, moves into the cockpit and buckles into oneof the two gunner chairs.