01-22-2020, 09:31 PM
(01-22-2020, 08:53 PM)H1-MK2 "MK Wrote: I based it off of the H1-ME battle mechanic droid, except built it in a medium size rather than small as a custom droid. And as for building, with you being a small droid, everything costs twice as much for you, and you've got lower limits on what you can carry, so make sure what you have is what you need. Don't waste creds or capacity on things that don't help you fulfill exactly what you're doing. However, you do have an advantage over organics, in that you can swaps items back and forth. And that basically equates to a human switching their eyes for prosthetics, or implanting a blaster in their arm. Not to mention, you can reprogram skills without taking extended retraining times.
Like MK, Zero is also Medium size. And now that you're here I was considering ditching Skill training: Mechanic. The only reason why I picked it up was due to our other droid leaving so we needed one.