01-21-2020, 01:45 PM
(01-21-2020, 02:38 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: Zero, who's appearance is similar to an upside down miniature Death Star (even though we have no knowledge of the technological menace... yet) replies in binary, "I did suffer the indignity of a restraining bolt but another wily droid freed me from the device. I kept it attached to trick the owner of this facility into believing I was still under his control. My name is IT-O or just Zero. (At the GM's leisure...) I will attempt to give you full access to the ship's computers. And now without the constant negative influence of another," Zero spins the bottom half of his sphere to glare in the Astromech's direction with his single, bright red, visual sensor. "The ship and I seem to have finally come to an understanding."
Just to be clear Zero can't actually do what he is talking about until his turn next round.