01-05-2020, 03:42 PM
(01-05-2020, 06:51 AM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: Use Computer: [1d20+10] = 17+10 = 27
Zero continues to try to keep the Astromech occupied by trying to undo all of its commands. IT-0 was pretty good with computers but the re-chassised Medical Droid wasn't specialized in their use like an Astromech or Mechanic. It was an upgrade Zero may have to make when next it had time to review its experiences. Nevertheless the droid has so far been able to keep up with blocking the other astromech's commands, for now.
To the ship's computer Zero states, "Stop the overload."
While issuing commands digitally to the ship, Zero verbally says to Njon in its primitive Talz language, "The pilot seems to have surrendered. So ready yourself to act when the doors open to disconnect the Astromech's SCOMP from the ship." Knowing that Talz can be very good with technology but not knowing if THIS Talz was, this conversation might quickly devolve into simply telling the Talz to just disconnect the Astromech's penis looking thingy from the ship's hole looking thingy.
~Safety Overrides Turned On - Engine cooldown in process~
Njon hoots, "On it"
Round 11
20.0 Dez
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
16.04 Station Security B (Guards I-L)
15.14 Imperial Pilot
14.099 Shunna
14.098 Callie
14.097 Ubi
14.096 Njon
14.090 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Imperial astromech
8.03 aqualish tech
Shunna make a Perception check