09-25-2015, 01:26 AM
"I wasn't trying to be hurtful," Johnny replies. "I was being truthful. With you stuffing HER face, Roslyn is going to be even more upset when she wakes up, which will be soon. Do you really believe that she is going to want to keep you around if you're making her sick all the time. With each bite you're driving that nail into your coffin. The professor could easily lock you away or if Roslyn asked, I would be delighted to invent some tech that would keep you from hurting her ever again." He then smirks and says, "What I think is interesting, you seem to know a lot about what Roslyn feels but she doesn't seem to know much about you. That makes me think yer talking out yer arse." Johnny's face suddenly becomes gravely serious, "Believe me when I say, I'm not. The only person I care about in this situation is Roslyn. You play nice an we will all get along. You hurt her an yer days are numbered."