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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
 - Student Lounge - 

Aurum stops eating and levels her gaze at Johnny. She lets what Johnny said sit in the air long enough to be slightly awkward, before dropping her gaze again. "You must be the boy, then. I'm assuming that's why you grabbed me last night..." She takes a deep breath. "I'd think of it less as a hi-jacking, and more as a passenger grabbing the wheel before the driver steers the car and everyone in it off a cliff. I have a certain amount of self-interest in keeping your girl alive, which she apparently lacks."

She smirks. "Thanks for the advice. And I'll also thank you to not ever touch me like that, when I'm driving. You didn't know, the first time. Now you do."
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RE: The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~ - by Aurum - 09-25-2015, 12:34 AM

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