(09-22-2019, 04:27 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: ...why on Earth would Selina suggest they all blow up the ship that was supposed to take them there and back? At the very least she would be endangering the lives of the sailors, if not the soldiers as well. That's a very selfish and CE thing to do.
Wut? I didn't suggest you blow up the ship. I said you could try to outrun them but they might be able to blow up the ship before you got out of range. It's up to you if you want to take that chance.
If you were to try to jump ship the plan would be that the ship would return for you once they shook the Thantii off their tail. The hope would be that the Thantii wouldn't pursue the ship into New Crobuzon air space. One Thantii ship against the New Crobuzon airforce are not odds the Thantii would want to take on.