09-15-2019, 05:31 PM
Andre had dazed out fairly quickly in the conversation with the kobolds. She didn't particularly like them, and she didn't really see the need to ally with them. She found it a little odd that everyone seemed so paranoid about the fae, and yet wanted to be friends with kobolds...
If that's what they wanted to do, fine. She just wouldn't mention not having any cold iron on her.
Hearing her name brought her head out of plotting mode.
Swinging down off her horse, she combs the area for anomalies, secret entrances, traps, and other fun things.
Perception: 1d20+5 16 (+1 for trapfinding)
If that's what they wanted to do, fine. She just wouldn't mention not having any cold iron on her.
Hearing her name brought her head out of plotting mode.
Swinging down off her horse, she combs the area for anomalies, secret entrances, traps, and other fun things.
Perception: 1d20+5 16 (+1 for trapfinding)