09-04-2019, 02:44 PM
The kobolds seem mollified by the official request...partially. They don't seem any more comfortable with the idea of entering the old tree, but seem to be equal parts frightened and bolstered by the massive presences of the Brothers. As you continue your approach to the Old Sycamore, there is a palpable sense of foreboding that steadily grows as the musky, sickly-sweet flavor of rot and fungus begins to fill your nostrils. It only increases the closer you get. The tree is absolutely massive, easily as tall as a warship is long, and far broader than any other tree any of you have ever encountered. It is as if something was done to affect its genuine life-giving ability and twisted it into something terrible. Boles and knots abound on its surface, somehow looking like gaping chasms that could fit all of you at once. There is even a hole at the base through what looks like a tangle of weeds, roots and filth.