05-13-2019, 05:52 AM
While they drag the body, back blaster fire is again exchanged in the control room and hangar.
24.09 Callie
23.07 KX-Series Security Droids
23.04 imp. StormTroopers
22.04 Ubi
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
17.09 Njon
16.04 Station Security B (Guards G-L)
14.09 Shunna
14.09 Dez
14.09 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Lambda Shuttle Docking Gun
8.03 aqualish tech
Round One continued
Assuming Zero stabilizes the guard, the droid will say to Dez, "Help me move this guard and tell the others to come. But warn them to be careful. They could be spotted if they enter the hallways, so don't."
Zero then delays hua movement (his action is stabilizing the guard Take 10), until Dez us able to react.
Njon delays.
Guard G does not fire, instead he crouches down and waits, looking down the stairs.
Guard H does the same.
The remaining station security guards return fire
Shunna's turnm before Dez and Zero can even drag the fallen guard back, Shunna can act.
24.09 Callie
23.07 KX-Series Security Droids
23.04 imp. StormTroopers
22.04 Ubi
19.04 Station Security A (Guards A-F)
18.08 Zero
17.09 Njon
16.04 Station Security B (Guards G-L)
14.09 Shunna
14.09 Dez
14.09 'the Zabrak'
14.02 Lambda Shuttle Docking Gun
8.03 aqualish tech
Round One continued
Assuming Zero stabilizes the guard, the droid will say to Dez, "Help me move this guard and tell the others to come. But warn them to be careful. They could be spotted if they enter the hallways, so don't."
Zero then delays hua movement (his action is stabilizing the guard Take 10), until Dez us able to react.
Njon delays.
Guard G does not fire, instead he crouches down and waits, looking down the stairs.
Guard H does the same.
The remaining station security guards return fire
Shunna's turnm before Dez and Zero can even drag the fallen guard back, Shunna can act.