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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Athos smirks at Leloth's attempt to retell their conversation with the Innkeeper. Saving her a bit of grace, Athos retells their findings. "I've secured rooms for the week. The innkeeper seems a pleasant enough fellow." 

"From what I've learned, The citadel used to be the home of an old dragon cult, so that could prove problematic if they left traps and such. On the up side, They left in a hurry when the dragon Ashardalon flew past this area decades ago, so it could also mean treasure or artifacts could have been left behind."

"Also, there are more than a few peculiar rumors of an unknown monster lurking about at night. It seems to be killing cattle, sheep and the occasional person leaving needle like wounds. That and at least one other adventurer has tried the citadel several months before those who went missing. His description struck me as a fellow druid or ranger, but his fate is unknown."
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Athos Blackwind - 04-18-2019, 03:24 PM

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