If you notice any mistakes please let me know.
Betimi: Is awarded 1,300xp's making her new total = 6,630xp's (3,370xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL! Adding 300xp for Parachute Practice. New Total 6,630xp's (3,070 away from 5th)
Forge: Is awarded 1300xp's making his new total = 3,650xp's (2,350xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Kee: Is awarded 1300xp's making his new total = 3,300xp's (2,700xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Nacesh: Is awarded 1,300xp's making his new total = 6,030xp's (3,970xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL!
Ningalu: Is awarded 1,300xp's making his new total = 3,300xp's (2,700xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Selina: Is awarded 1,300xp's making her new total = 6,530xp's (3,470xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL!
Gilly and Jonath both gain nothing and will likely soon be removed from the group due to inactivity.
I have reached out to Kee's player to see if he is still playing as I noticed his player has posted in another game.
Betimi: Is awarded 1,300xp's making her new total = 6,630xp's (3,370xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL! Adding 300xp for Parachute Practice. New Total 6,630xp's (3,070 away from 5th)
Forge: Is awarded 1300xp's making his new total = 3,650xp's (2,350xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Kee: Is awarded 1300xp's making his new total = 3,300xp's (2,700xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Nacesh: Is awarded 1,300xp's making his new total = 6,030xp's (3,970xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL!
Ningalu: Is awarded 1,300xp's making his new total = 3,300xp's (2,700xp away from 4th) LEVEL UP TO 3RD LEVEL!
Selina: Is awarded 1,300xp's making her new total = 6,530xp's (3,470xp away from 5th) LEVEL UP TO 4TH LEVEL!
Gilly and Jonath both gain nothing and will likely soon be removed from the group due to inactivity.
I have reached out to Kee's player to see if he is still playing as I noticed his player has posted in another game.