12-11-2018, 06:54 AM
[Your movement calculations are correct. BUT you have one thing misunderstood.. WHAT leaders ship?? This tunnel leads to the secret docking facility where apparently the Imperials were allowed to dock. As far as is known (since it is not on any station schematic or docking manifest available to Zero) the Imperial craft is the only craft docked there. It is NOT Holon Viel's ship.. if Holon (the mayor/owner of this station) has a ship it is currently docked at the main station landing facility (which apparently is still depressurized and open to vacuum thanks to some droid named Long that Ubi and Dez keep trying to contact). Holon's station guards are currently ATTACKING the imperial shuttle trying to prevent it leaving (you can hear both sides of that conflict in teh Stormtrooper and station guards helmet comms.) ]