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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
The blinking giant readies his bow.... (OOC - as in: ready an action for ...? or the verb "ready" is just a figure of speech here?)
Lugar tries to squeeze between the beauty and the beast... which surprisingly succeeds since Shanna is startled and staggers back as Lugar shoulders his way in. However, the creature does nothing more than what it's been instructed to do; interposes between the wizard and the lair.

Koriolis shakes his head violently as if trying to get rid of some liquid penetrating his sensitive ears, even though it was just the irritating high-pitched squeal of the party doodid. He speaks up in Draconic.
"Koriolis won't endure this chatter any longer. If you need Koriolis to explain how to look deeper Koriolis will rip your hearts out and you all can have a good look. You probably better burn yourselves alive. But Koriolis knows you are wiser than the average fairy and know better than angering Koriolis any further. Follow Koriolis."

The way the dragon keeps repeating his name is not unusual for dragons to refer to themselves in third person as a kind of emphasis for being superiour. Even dragons talking to each other do so.

With that, he strides forward, apparently willing to squeeze into the tunnel, seemingly undisturbed by the fact that it is currently filled with various bipedal life forms.
Taking a few steps back, Zelgadis keeps his vicinity to Torin, and asks,
"Now what?"

Those closer to the lair (practically, Lugar and Shanna) have the option to enter the cave, giving way, or leaving the way they have arrived. Those farther away (all the rest) have no other chance withdrawing... or stay in the tunnel, of course.
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RE: Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree - by DM Surranó - 11-06-2018, 09:38 AM

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