11-02-2018, 07:40 PM
(11-02-2018, 06:44 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote:(10-31-2018, 05:54 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: The Callie sprints to the NW entrance and peers in, trying to see as far as possible without venturing beyond sight. Ubi, the talz, and the zabrak run up as far as possible (double move).
The computer replies to Zero..
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Instruction Menu 1) Alarms & Security Features, 2) Reactor Control."~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Alarms & Security Features Menu 1) Alarm Control, 2) Shield Control "~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Alarms Menu 1) Lights Control, 2) Audio Alarm, 3) Emergency Broadcast"~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Shield Control Menu 1) Shield Startup, 2) Shield Shutdown, 3) Timed Shield Shutdown "~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Reactor Control Menu 1) Diagnostics/Troubleshooting, 2)Reactor Startup, 3) Reactor Shutdown."~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Reactor Diagnostics/Troubleshooting Menu, 1) Diagnostic Scan, 2) Low Power/Safety Mode, 3) Restart, 4) Shutdown and Run Diagnostic Scan, 5) Restart in Safety Mode, 7) Emergency Override."~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Reactor Startup Menu, 1) Standard Startup, 2) Quick Startup, 3) Timed Startup."~
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Reactor Shutdown Menu, 1) Standard Shutdown, 2) Quick Shutdown (Emergency Override required), 3) Timed Shutdown, 4) Restart, 5) Shutdown and Run Diagnostic Scan, 6) Restart in Safety Mode."~
[b]~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. IT-0.. designated station medical droid. Awaiting Instructions."~[/b]
[OoC: You're kidding, right? In plain English, perhaps? Or at least some double spacing between commands? The player doesn't have a Computer +10. ]
in essence the computer read off its menus to you..
there are two main menus Alarms and security and reactor control
in the alarms and security menu there are options to control the radiation shield and the alarm klaxxon/lights as well as send out an emergency brodcast.
in the reactor control there are options for diagnostics scan, safety mode, restart, restart in safety mode, full shut down, rapid shutdown (an emergency override is provided), timed shutdown (being able to schedule a shutdown at a particular time), timed restart, et cetera.
Zero thinks if he wants specific details he will need to ask specific questuions as this dumb computer takes commands very literally.