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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
---Arius, Nightingale, and Kriv---

[Image: Yn4yrui.png?1]

The mayor snorts and shakes his head, "I find it particularly hard to believe that the goblins would be just happy little merchants, but miracles are known to happen. If they turn out to be well intentioned, then you're investigating as representatives of official Neverwinter and Oakhurst business. So, the three of you and that will count as witness if the goblins are not doing anything overly sneaky or underhanded." 

(DM - @DM Vitkyng)

---Mourn and Lovise---

[Image: h1UoS8c.png]

"The job is simple. Go into the sunless citadel and find my niece and nephew. If they have died, return their signet rings as proof of their deaths and I will reward you with 125 gold per ring for each individual involved in their recovery. The reward is doubled if you manage to bring them home alive and of relative good health in mind and body." 

---Athos and Leloth---

[Image: FF26YeR.png?1]

"Well, from what I remember the Citadel used to be home to a ancient Dragon cult. Oddly enough they seemed to dip out when old Ashardalon flew through here a few decades back. You can still see bits of his work up the old road a ways toward the Ashen Plain. That whole area's been Lifeless ever since he blasted through."

The innkeeper seems to think for a moment, "The only other thing I've been hearing is that several of the local cattle farmers have taken to grazing their stock closer to their barns. Everyone's been hearing of new monsters that maraud by night. From time to time, cattle and people who have gone out alone at night have been found dead the next day, bearing dozens of needle like wounds. Granted no one has laid eyes on these creatures, and they don't seem to leave any tracks, so it could be some sort of magic. But still, it might be something that could help ya."

Garon picks up the gold, bites it and smiles, "Waterdavian coin." He nods with approval, "This will keep you and your party bathed, feed and slept for a week my friend."
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 11-01-2018, 11:05 PM

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