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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
A brief recap--

Following the brief introduction Lugar said something that was apparently taken by the dragon as an insult. As a result, he sent forth a deadly warning, but no sooner than Torin could summon the aid of a lion as an act of expressive offense, and Zelgadis could raise a protective barrier, wind wall style.

The fool of a duergar apologised and Toot gathered all jermlaine courage (as if that were a thing) and spoke up in his defense, mustering all the meekiness of the race.
Shanna also spoke up, supporting the irritating squeaker, and started good, but it went bad when she failed to read one of the dragon's obvious insinuations. Well, at least, obvious for Toot the Wise, who continued with flattering flourishes as transparent as an invisible stalker. It was hard to tell whether the dragon's irritation or amusement grew greater in the following few exchanges when he strolled back to his hoard, letting the party see an opening on the floor, and actually seemed to reveal some bits of information as well... As part of the discussion, he actually addressed the doodid a not too flattering name which Toot, in turn, took as a kind of compliment by generously foregoing the "poor excuse of" part.

Unfortunately, Koriolis couldn't draw the attention of the meekling to this linguistic nuance, since Lugar mentally stole the whole hoard with his greedy eyes meanwhile, receiving an ever-so-alert question in an acidic tone. Giant reacted on that, whispering to the dwarves, and if the dragon heard that, he hasn't reacted.

Next, the duergar delivered an obvious message using body language to spellcasters drooling nearby. Shanna took the cue and secretly cast a cantrip, and the dragon turned his attention here, sending some summoned creature (the same milky-pearly white thing from before) to interpose with the loremaster's shining blue vision.

... So here we are, Toot's latest obscure question* apparently unanswered, but a milky white creature facing Shanna from pretty close.

* see comments OOC thread
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RE: Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree - by DM Surranó - 10-27-2018, 09:09 PM

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