10-18-2018, 12:53 AM
~"reactor control, designation: 9335-P.. That is not necessary IT-0.. designated station medical droid. My systems are closed to outside access, there is no physical connection. I can certainly shut off the alarm for you."~
The klaxxon abruptly stops, but the red flashing lights in the room continue.
[OoC IT-0 is quickly realizing that this system has no heuristic processing. It is probably dumber than your average datapad. The meatbags probably felt it was better not to have the computer be too smart as they wanted it to follow direction very literally.]
The klaxxon abruptly stops, but the red flashing lights in the room continue.
[OoC IT-0 is quickly realizing that this system has no heuristic processing. It is probably dumber than your average datapad. The meatbags probably felt it was better not to have the computer be too smart as they wanted it to follow direction very literally.]