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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
Koriolis waits patiently for Toot to finish the stuttering monologue, apparently getting fatter by every ounce of terror he managed to extract from the tiny creature.

"Really? He pauses for a moment that seems like eternity before turning from Toot to Shanna.
"Then let's talk about curiousity. Why are you so... curious about these... wonderful... intriguing... glyphs?" While speaking, he savours the words 'curious', 'wonderful', 'intriguing', as if contemplating which one fits best here.

Shanna apparently doesn't notice herself having transformed from duly respectful to blatantly informal.
"They are very finely carved, and distantly resemble to some runes I've seen before, but they are neither Elvish nor Drow, and not even Higardi. I've been contemplating that maybe they were Hela--"
The dragon interrupts her with an elemental roar that causes thousands of tiny mineral or metallic objects jingle and rattle in the cavern behind him.
"They are mine. Just like all the artwork around my lair. Including all that you've seen around the waterfall."
"Oh, all of those are nice and--"
"Nice, you say?"
Shanna realises her situation just now, and hesitates.
"Well, I mean--"
She blushes, and falls silent, lowering her gaze with a slight bow, as if an attempt of apology.
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RE: Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree - by DM Surranó - 10-11-2018, 09:34 PM

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