10-11-2018, 01:53 PM
OOC -- I'm not really willing to do the NPC-NPC talk... but role-wise, it's what makes most sense... for now. Feel free to butt in
"Walk forth, I said." Koriolis says, irritated by Toot's ignorance of the fact that Shanna has already addressed the dragon using his name.
"You want to parlay? Then let's do so."
"With your approval, may I inquire of the origin of these wonderful glyphs?" Shanna asks, her insatiable thirst for the arcane surfacing again. Zelgadis looks alarmed at the loremaster.
After a momentary silence, Koriolis notes,
"With my approval."
Zelgadis sighs in a bit of relief, stands up, and dismisses the protective barrier but does not give up his defensive posture.
"You think they are wonderful?"
"I'm a curious type." Shanna says, failing to notice what Koriolis is willing to hear.
Koriolis scoffs angrily.
"Walk forth, I said." Koriolis says, irritated by Toot's ignorance of the fact that Shanna has already addressed the dragon using his name.
"You want to parlay? Then let's do so."
"With your approval, may I inquire of the origin of these wonderful glyphs?" Shanna asks, her insatiable thirst for the arcane surfacing again. Zelgadis looks alarmed at the loremaster.
After a momentary silence, Koriolis notes,
"With my approval."
Zelgadis sighs in a bit of relief, stands up, and dismisses the protective barrier but does not give up his defensive posture.
"You think they are wonderful?"
"I'm a curious type." Shanna says, failing to notice what Koriolis is willing to hear.
Koriolis scoffs angrily.