(09-10-2018, 05:26 PM)Silent Giant Wrote: He will be our shield. - he points at Zelgadis. - We have to check whether he is under control of somebody else or not. If it will be necessary then we should be retreat. Do you have some protective wit... magic too?
He also thinks he isn't the slowest runner in the group...
"Of course me have protective magic to cast on mysel..." The tiny Jermlaine pauses for a moment and then says, "Ohhh.. you mean, do Toot have some protective magic to cast on the rest of yous. Wells this is a little awkward. I suppose me could... but me thought the priest was going to protect yous too! If so close to dragoon should priest not cast rudimentary protections like a protection circle and bless? Why big people always ask the littlest people to do all the work? Not fair!"
[OoC: This jumped a little forward. I was considering casting an Extended Protection from energy and/or Extended Resist energy before we continued down the hallway. But I don't want to do it if it seems like I'm only doing it because I see what I believe to be a green dragon in front of us. ]
[OoC: I guess Toot will be hiding around the corner (see map) to get a cover bonus if the dragon uses his breath weapon. He will also be attempting to disbelieve. ]