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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
---Arius, Nightingale and Kriv---

[Image: Yn4yrui.png?1]

"Good, good, The Lords of Neverwinter have grown concerned about the origin of the apple. they simply want you to investigate it to insure there is nothing ... unsavory about the whole thing.  Personally, I can understand the need, goblins are never to be trusted. Especially considering they try to sell the villagers a foul white apple in the winter.  That damn thing put a lot of villagers in the sick house before everyone caught on.  But every now and again they'll dup a stranger into buying the thing." 

"All the same, I have my own doubts about the supposed good red apple they peddle on us, but the towns folk insist in bidding on the damn thing.  The town doesn't see a copper from all this mess, but we have to deal with all the inquires. That aside, I don't think it's particularly healthy for them to be spending all their money on questionable magical fruit."

---Athos and Leloth---

[Image: FF26YeR.png?1]

"That'll do for now." He tucks the coins away in a money box. 

"The one particular thing I remember was the last time someone came asking about the Sunless Citadel. Well, besides the Neverwinter Watchmen and the two missing adventurers.  Anyways, it was this grim human fellow named Belak. He had this huge pet frog, I swear the biggest frog I had ever seen. Anyways, he went down to the Citadel some thirteen years ago.  Just like those two youngsters though, he never came back."

---Mourn and Lovise---

At first you see a young woman behind the counter of the general store.  She takes one look at the Mourn and Lovise and hits a bell that rings crisply throughout the store.  A finely dressed older woman steps out from the back and walks up to change places with the counter girl.

[Image: h1UoS8c.png]

She looks you both over and nods, "I'm the owner, Kerowyn Hecrele.  You two have the look of Adventurers, even if I'd never laid eyes on the type. Here about my notice?"
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 08-27-2018, 01:00 AM

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