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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
Ooc - nice to see you back! Torin and Lugar are off for some more weeks I guess, not sure about Merri.

The party finds no clues of a secret door at the dead end but Shanna stops scanning the runes and yells,

"Will you please stop babbling? I can't hear my own thoughts!"

Then all of a sudden she grows silent, as the light of recognition shines upon her face. Raising a finger as a universal sign of attention, she tiptoes to the dead end, pressing her ear to the done every few feet.
"Here," she finally says, her usual excited singsong voice back, indicating the left side of the dead end.

Those who follow her example can hear a low rumbling as well as occasional dripping sounds from behind the rock surface.

(Roll20 update tomorrow)

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Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree - by DM Surranó - 08-20-2018, 08:16 AM

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