08-20-2018, 03:20 AM
"I think we need allies most of all. As Kesten pointed out, the outpost is currently indefensible, even with his men. Hopeully if the bandits come before our return, oleg and Kesten will know enough to abandon itt and go to ground. With luck we can mend relations with the kobolds, and gain their aid in defending these lands."
"If we take the risk of pressing on, we might fail. If we give in to worry and fear we will gain nothing and certainly fail. We simply cannot get the outpost ready in time with just Kesten's men and ourselves. We need help. Simple."
"If we take the risk of pressing on, we might fail. If we give in to worry and fear we will gain nothing and certainly fail. We simply cannot get the outpost ready in time with just Kesten's men and ourselves. We need help. Simple."