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[IC] Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree
(07-30-2018, 01:43 PM)Silent Giant Wrote: What's this places? 

"Likely our tomb!" Toot replies with a quiver in his voice.  "We shouldn't have come here before scouting it out first with summoned creatures and divinations.  If me die because of yous stoopidness, Imma haunt yous forever!"

Boo will use his scent ability to sniff out any clues.  

"What ever the thing is, the floor markings remind me of huge crocodile.  Did it use a secret door to go through wall or magic?  If no secret door, me can soften stone to let yous dig through wall easier."
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RE: Chapter 2-6: But Your Eyes Don't Agree - by Toot - 08-20-2018, 12:23 AM

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