07-30-2018, 09:01 AM
Took some more time than expected but the extremely artistic new map is up on roll20. Moved whole party there, and added everyone's tokens, including those who have not explicitly followed the "crazy ones" yet. Feel free to place yourselves however you see fit.
This map is on normal scale (1sq = 5ft). I also added a 120ft grey aura to Lugar to reflect his extended darkvision, and used it as a reference how far the map is drawn.
I also checked on:
@Torin -- you are a deep dwarf (90ft darkvision + light sensitivity). Not that it mattered so far but I completely forgot about you being just as sensitive to sunlight as Lugar The everlasting dusk/dawn of Faerie indeed played to all of your hands
@Toot -- you have low light vision only? I was a bit surprised... but anyway, Zelgadis provides torchlike illumination in a wider radius so that shouldn't be an issue.
This map is on normal scale (1sq = 5ft). I also added a 120ft grey aura to Lugar to reflect his extended darkvision, and used it as a reference how far the map is drawn.
I also checked on:
@Torin -- you are a deep dwarf (90ft darkvision + light sensitivity). Not that it mattered so far but I completely forgot about you being just as sensitive to sunlight as Lugar The everlasting dusk/dawn of Faerie indeed played to all of your hands
@Toot -- you have low light vision only? I was a bit surprised... but anyway, Zelgadis provides torchlike illumination in a wider radius so that shouldn't be an issue.