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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
---Mourn and Lovise---

(DM - Both of your roll Perception and Investigation as you walk into town.)

---Athos and Leloth---

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The Innkeeper gave Athos a soft smile though his gaze was slightly concerned when he saw Leloth. He quickly covered it and turned back to Athos, "Yes sir, I am indeed. What can I do for you today?"

---Arius, Nightingale, and Kriv---

The three find the Village Hall easily enough from the information Arius gathered. They walked in through the front doors and saw a little old human lady sitting behind a desk scratching her quill relentlessly across a piece of parchment. She seems to have a stack on each side of her, one outgoing and one incoming. She doesn't look up when all of you enter. "What can I do for you?  If you're here about the apple, It only comes around once a year, villagers have priority and it goes to the highest bider."  She shakes one of the pieces of parchment accusingly at the three of you, "And no! .....We don't take mail orders for gods sake."
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by DM Spiral - 07-20-2018, 03:50 PM

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