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[IC] Chapter 2-5: You're whirling 'round...
So nobody wants to see the other secret place? - he asks

1. "After spending some six minutes looking around intently, Lugar thinks he had found something. Like the tip of a wand or javelin that points towards whoever moves or damages the stone slab blocking passage. He's pretty sure it's some kind of magic but no recognisable patterns nearby that would sell the source, be it arcane, divine, or whatever."

2. Turning about 45 degrees to the left, she points to another section of the wall, some 10 feet away from the door's outline.
"There is another source of magic, same strength, same school, but does not necessarily mean the same spell."

Are these two points same? Can't we move the tip with Mage Hand? (Merri? Shanna?)

DM, can you summarize what we know about this place, secret door?

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RE: Chapter 2-5: You're whirling 'round... - by Silent Giant - 06-08-2018, 12:45 PM

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