05-09-2018, 02:26 PM
[OoC1: Do those of us who have the Riding Proficiency need to roll for control each round? Looking at both Survival guides, they say that we can guide our mounts with our knees and use both hands to wield weapons and equipment without a proficiency check. We would only make a check if we get hit; failure means we fall and take 1d6 damage.]
[OoC2: If I still need a Ride Check; Result 3]
Alynorae will move to protect Tinarawen and slash at the wolves closest to her...
[OoC3: (Longsword THAC0 is 8) 1st Attack = 8; Damage 13; Hit AC 0 // 2nd Attack = 2; Damage 15; Hit AC 6 ]
[OoC2: If I still need a Ride Check; Result 3]
Alynorae will move to protect Tinarawen and slash at the wolves closest to her...
[OoC3: (Longsword THAC0 is 8) 1st Attack = 8; Damage 13; Hit AC 0 // 2nd Attack = 2; Damage 15; Hit AC 6 ]