04-17-2018, 02:26 AM
Before they set off on their journey Mardigan rubs his hands then holds them together, as if in prayer, and says these magic words, his eyes closed. "Fire, fire, deep within, warming, heating, ahhing, begin!" (Casted the Warmth Cantrip) Mardigan's body gives a shudder as warmth creeps over his body. He offers to do the same for everyone else.
"Yes, Sir Sumayl, this fog is unnaturally thick. I shall try to provide some illumination." Mardigan then rolls an imaginary ball in his hands as he says the words, "Bright blue sky of the day, glow glow and light the way!" (cast bluelight cantrip) A small three inch glowing sphere appears in his palm. The light isn't strong but does radiate an eerie blue glow that magically stops five feet from it's source.
"Yes, Sir Sumayl, this fog is unnaturally thick. I shall try to provide some illumination." Mardigan then rolls an imaginary ball in his hands as he says the words, "Bright blue sky of the day, glow glow and light the way!" (cast bluelight cantrip) A small three inch glowing sphere appears in his palm. The light isn't strong but does radiate an eerie blue glow that magically stops five feet from it's source.