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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Arius nods at Athos as he speaks.

"It is a local cheese I have newly discovered since coming to the North myself. Cutting out a wedge, then slices of that seems to go the best if you are eating it with bread, which it is delicious with. Otherwise just cutting small wedges out of the wheel to eat alongside your roast.  There isn't really a social rule that I have seen aside from typical polite behaviour. You know, share it."  He grins. "No sane person would eat an entire wheel in one sitting alone. That much cheese would twist your guts for a ten-day."

With that he pulls out a small knife, cuts out the first wedge for himself, then leaves the knife on the platter beside the cheese.

As Leloth takes her seat he stands as befits a lady of station and nods at her, then takes his seat.

"That was a wonderful performance, not at all what the patrons of this establishment were expecting tonight I imagine. I think many might be used to more boisterous entertainment. The kind that gets the blood fuelled for a trip down the pit."
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Arius Dezlentyr - 03-30-2018, 09:53 PM

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