Kriv nodded at the barmaid, He says in a deep cultured but obviously not Waterdeep accent "Yes if you wouldn't mind, and extra of the roast if you would."
Kriv turned to the new arrival and nodded. "Good to see you again Athos." He replied in his deep voice. The dragonborn was not one to normally enjoy the music this far north and west it was different to his ears than the music of his homeland and as such he both appreciated it typically for its strangeness and usually ignored it. But the bard on stage now was fascinating and while he wanted to pay attention to his new companions he found himself drawn to the watch the tiefling woman perform.
Kriv turned to the new arrival and nodded. "Good to see you again Athos." He replied in his deep voice. The dragonborn was not one to normally enjoy the music this far north and west it was different to his ears than the music of his homeland and as such he both appreciated it typically for its strangeness and usually ignored it. But the bard on stage now was fascinating and while he wanted to pay attention to his new companions he found himself drawn to the watch the tiefling woman perform.