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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
As Leloth starts to weave through the crowd, she quietly asks herself "What should my first performance of the day be? A simple song and dance, sit down and play a slow melancholy song on my flute, something to rile up all the drunks attempting to hit on women? The opportunities are endless..." As she neared the stage she decided on a melancholy song and was thinking of songs when she literally ran into the stage "whoops..." she whispered and climbed onto the stage.

Leloth then pulled a chair from the rear of the stage and placed it where everyone could see it and therefore her. From a belt loop she pulled her shining silver flute, which she polished everyday, and began to play. She played the tragedy of her village, she played the feeling of loss of her missing father. She played the loss of her broken horn and missing toe, she played the feeling isolation she felt when she was forced out of the village and into the wilderness. As she finished her melody Leloth shed a tear reminding herself of her past. Leloth sat and gazed out at the crowd with anticipation awaiting their reaction.

The Song --->  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQz76UgHSzk

Performance: 1d20+4 = 21
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Leloth - 03-26-2018, 12:13 AM

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