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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Arius pauses in the street just before entering the inn, to ensure his hat is set at just the right rakish angle, and that his clothes are rumpled just so, as he must appear just the right amount of roguish, without seeming a low-born ruffian. Satisfied, he puts on his best wry smile, opens the door and saunters in.

As he pauses in the doorway to let his eyes adjust to the light, he stands with one hand resting on the hilt of his rapier. Then proceeds into the common room. He makes immediately for the center of the common room, not so he can look down the well, but so that he can look up into the balconies, to see who might be in attendance this evening.

There are a fair number of notables, but none that he finds of immediate interest, so his attention now turns to the lower level, looking to see who might be entertaining for the evening. That is when he spots the odd collection of people gathering near the hearth and another two at the bar.  ~A tiefling? She is quite beautiful as well, how scandalous. I suppose I shall make my acquaintance.~

With that thought he approaches the two at the hearth first as he imagines the other two at the bar will likely join them when they are done ordering. Tipping his hat, he warmly greets the group. "Good evening, you seem like you might have interesting tales that bring you to this fine establishment. May I join you?"

As he greets them, he makes sure to smile warmly at each in turn, his smile finally resting on Leloth wondering when she might saunter over to join them.
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Arius Dezlentyr - 03-23-2018, 03:49 AM

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