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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Athos meandered through the gates and down the streets of Waterdeep to his favorite inn the Yawning Portal. He strolled into as he sounds of laughter and conversation filled his ears with a low hum which was followed by the strong smells of roast, mead and pipe weed. Oddly enough it was a pleasant sensation for him. Most people at first glance would place him as an elf of the forest and stereotypically assume he would find such a place distasteful.  

Well, they could fuck off.  He liked a good beer and a good meal as much as the next average person.  Those other vegetarian druid weirdos could fuck right off with everyone else who thought it was strange. 

Before he even bothered looking around to see if there was anyone he recognized or anyone new that might provide some pleasant or interesting conversation for the night, He waved at serving girl. "Might I have an Ale, and a plate of roast with a large hunk of that delicious bread I can still manage to smell drifting from the kitchen?"
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Athos Blackwind - 03-21-2018, 02:13 PM

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