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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Kriv happily blows the foam off his ale. He has as seat near the fire because the seats there are larger and designed to accommodate someone of his bulk. It doesn't hurt that he has a great view of the entrance as well as the well from there so he can see who enters as well as what passes for entertainment in the tavern. While the table he occupies is empty Kriv enjoys the sound of commotion around him. He has learned from his long travels to get here that he enjoys the company of others, but not the direct interaction always. Observing humans, and the other races is always entertaining of course and he does so openly and without reservation. Occasionally the large golden scaled dragonborn does write down some notes in a large journal he keeps near him all the time. His robes are odd and not of the local custom at all, they seem designed for warmer climates, which are probably why he seems to be bundled up in many of them.
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RE: The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One) - by Kriv Turnuroth - 03-21-2018, 03:35 AM

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