Mardigan, Male, Half-Elf, Age: 27 Height: 5'7 Weight: 145lbs
Class: Thief 5/ Magic-User 4 (XP 17,000/17,001)
HP: 18 / AC: 4 (+2 Leather, -2 DEX) = 14, [5d6] = 22]HP (14+22) /2 = 18
Racial: Resist Charm/Sleep 30%, Infravision 60', Notice Secret Doors 1/6, 2/6 if actively searching, 3/6 for concealed doors
STR: 11 / Open Doors 1-2, Bend Bars 2%
DEX: 16 / +1 Reaction/ Attack, Defense -2, Open Lock +5%
CON: 13 / System Shock 85%, Rez 90%
INT: 17 / Languages +6, 75% spell knowledge, Min 8 - 14 Max/ level
WIS: 11
CHA: 13 / 5 Henchmen +5% Reaction
Languages: (+6) Common, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Draconic, Giant
Thief Abilities: level 5
Weapon Proficiencies: 3, Non Prof. Penalty -3
Spells: 75%
Mardigan is of Half-Elven origin but it is hard to tell. His long dark hair covers his ears and he lacks the aloofness of most Elves. He displays more human qualities, often engaging in gambling with cards, dice, and other frivolous activities. His clothing consists of leather and a long coat embroidered with strange runes and arcane markings. He appears to be a collector of the mysterious and arcane considering the weird assortment of items on his person. A longsword hangs from his belt as well as many pouches and a dagger. He doesn't smile as so much as smirk.
If asked, Mardigan will tell you how he was left, abandoned, in a community of halflings by his parents. As the tallest member of a halfling community, he tried but never quite fit in so he embraced his outsider qualities. He learned to play "tricks," or "thievery" as some might call it, from his halfling friends growing up. His curiosity got the better of him one day when he decided to pilfer from a traveling mage. That fateful day started him on his training, learning the ways of one who could wield magic. Eventually he grew tired of washing pots and acquiring out the odd assortments of cricket legs and bat dung for his Elven master. He asked permission to journey on his own and was given a book of spells, a sword, and words of wisdom to set him on his way. If his story is true, it is hard to tell. Mardigan is the consummate conman.
The first thing he did with his newfound freedom and magical abilities was to hustle poor saps out of their coin and possessions. Mardigan would try to stay ahead of the law, and trouble, but sometimes he was caught red handed with someone else's money through a bit of trickery. Lucky for him, he always kept a few useful spells embroidered on his cloak to help him escape tricky situations. If he lacked the judgement to avoid a sticky situation but he made up for it in the ability to figure a way out of it. Thieving and magic just came natural to him.
Class: Thief 5/ Magic-User 4 (XP 17,000/17,001)
HP: 18 / AC: 4 (+2 Leather, -2 DEX) = 14, [5d6] = 22]HP (14+22) /2 = 18
Racial: Resist Charm/Sleep 30%, Infravision 60', Notice Secret Doors 1/6, 2/6 if actively searching, 3/6 for concealed doors
STR: 11 / Open Doors 1-2, Bend Bars 2%
DEX: 16 / +1 Reaction/ Attack, Defense -2, Open Lock +5%
CON: 13 / System Shock 85%, Rez 90%
INT: 17 / Languages +6, 75% spell knowledge, Min 8 - 14 Max/ level
WIS: 11
CHA: 13 / 5 Henchmen +5% Reaction
Languages: (+6) Common, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Draconic, Giant
Thief Abilities: level 5
Weapon Proficiencies: 3, Non Prof. Penalty -3
Spells: 75%
Mardigan is of Half-Elven origin but it is hard to tell. His long dark hair covers his ears and he lacks the aloofness of most Elves. He displays more human qualities, often engaging in gambling with cards, dice, and other frivolous activities. His clothing consists of leather and a long coat embroidered with strange runes and arcane markings. He appears to be a collector of the mysterious and arcane considering the weird assortment of items on his person. A longsword hangs from his belt as well as many pouches and a dagger. He doesn't smile as so much as smirk.
If asked, Mardigan will tell you how he was left, abandoned, in a community of halflings by his parents. As the tallest member of a halfling community, he tried but never quite fit in so he embraced his outsider qualities. He learned to play "tricks," or "thievery" as some might call it, from his halfling friends growing up. His curiosity got the better of him one day when he decided to pilfer from a traveling mage. That fateful day started him on his training, learning the ways of one who could wield magic. Eventually he grew tired of washing pots and acquiring out the odd assortments of cricket legs and bat dung for his Elven master. He asked permission to journey on his own and was given a book of spells, a sword, and words of wisdom to set him on his way. If his story is true, it is hard to tell. Mardigan is the consummate conman.
The first thing he did with his newfound freedom and magical abilities was to hustle poor saps out of their coin and possessions. Mardigan would try to stay ahead of the law, and trouble, but sometimes he was caught red handed with someone else's money through a bit of trickery. Lucky for him, he always kept a few useful spells embroidered on his cloak to help him escape tricky situations. If he lacked the judgement to avoid a sticky situation but he made up for it in the ability to figure a way out of it. Thieving and magic just came natural to him.