01-24-2018, 12:04 AM
(01-23-2018, 09:30 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: [[OoC1: Which direction are you Detecting for Magic? And, honestly, no. None of this is truly overkill. You just decided to move from the plains immediately surrounding Oleg's Trading Post (newbie zone, basically) to the Northern Narlmarches, which is a bit of an uptick in challenge for whatever reason.[OoC Since there are three of us detecting magic, we should be able to easily cover ahead and to both sides with our 60' cones]
(01-23-2018, 09:30 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: OoC2: There is no DM caveat regarding Guidance. As Nex stated, it is among the finer orisons, not just for priests/clerics/etc but in general. Competence bonuses are fairly common but always useful for a low-level group. Especially when they can be applied to any desired effect.]]Valdi will stop to cast Guidance every few minures on everyone, then recast his Detect Magic.
(01-23-2018, 09:30 PM)DM Dougfan Wrote: Andra nods and beckons Happs to join her ahead of the group to scout ahead, to the accompanying mutters of the former bandit ranger. The two of them quickly disappear in the underbrush. The sounds of crickets chirping are ever-present and butterflies flutter all about the high canopy. All around you is a sense of activity, a buzz of Life, the hum of Nature.[OoC2 I vote explore]
((Intentions? Are you just exploring or do you want to map the place out?))