12-22-2017, 05:12 PM
"Has this experience not proven that it's not easy to pardon someone of crimes," the Magistrate replies while beginning to lead you all back to his office. "The political system in New Crobuzon is very bias against non-humans. Asking someone of sufficient influence to stick their neck out for a Xenian is nearly pointless. The only reason your group, especially with its assortment of Xenians, were pardoned was because the ambassador found your situation interesting. It also helped that he owed me a favor or two."
When Forge asks about laws the Magistrate replies, "I imagine they are similar to your world. Stealing, assault and murder is all against the law. If you keep your nose out of trouble then you should be fine. From the sounds of it, our punishments is where our worlds truly differ. While minor crimes including minor theft and assault might be punished with a fine and time shackled in a dungeon, the punishment for every other crime is usually being ReMade. The Magisters are encouraged to be creative in their application of justice. For example, if you are convicted of murdering someone then you can likely expect to have a part of that person attached to your body. For example, I have heard of a woman who accidentally killed her baby by picking it up by the arms and shaking it to force it to stop crying. The Magistrate ordered to have the baby's arms sewn onto her face at the temples. The baby arms are capable of movement and are a constant reminder to her of what she has done. They are also an obvious sign to the public that she's a criminal who will be forever shunned by the public."
When Forge asks about laws the Magistrate replies, "I imagine they are similar to your world. Stealing, assault and murder is all against the law. If you keep your nose out of trouble then you should be fine. From the sounds of it, our punishments is where our worlds truly differ. While minor crimes including minor theft and assault might be punished with a fine and time shackled in a dungeon, the punishment for every other crime is usually being ReMade. The Magisters are encouraged to be creative in their application of justice. For example, if you are convicted of murdering someone then you can likely expect to have a part of that person attached to your body. For example, I have heard of a woman who accidentally killed her baby by picking it up by the arms and shaking it to force it to stop crying. The Magistrate ordered to have the baby's arms sewn onto her face at the temples. The baby arms are capable of movement and are a constant reminder to her of what she has done. They are also an obvious sign to the public that she's a criminal who will be forever shunned by the public."