12-18-2017, 02:05 AM
(12-05-2017, 06:55 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: Hi Forge! Welcome back. Yeah, after disposing of the wretched spider-thing, we found ourselves in Steampunk-land and Selina nearly had a nervous breakdown just walking around.
Long overdue but I wanted to say, I particularly found Selina's responses to situations very entertaining. :
On another note, I updated Forge's experience and looked at my character sheet. Under languages I have two ? marks, probably because Forge has a +2 intelligence but Warforged only begin play knowing common. I don't recall my line of thought for putting two ? marks down but I wanted to know If I could add two languages that Forge might have learned? Honestly I kinda want to let others/DM pick them if he would get two extra languages. Pigeon, I think is the local language correct? I know it was mentioned somewhere but I can't find it.
Forgey McForgeface