12-13-2017, 07:12 PM
OOC -- spoiler'd the spell description. Please commit such posts to OOC thread; I can't move between threads now for whatever reason.
With a DC 10 Spellcraft check Torin knows that DD uses the astral plane.
With a DC 15 Knowledge (Arcana) check he may know that force spells extend to the ethereal and not to astral.
With a DC 15 Knowledge (Planes) check he knows that ethereal is a transitive plane parallel to the material (thus, extending there makes sense) while astral is a transitive plane practically perpendicular to anything else (thus, extending there makes no sense).
Whoever is familiar with Forcecage immediately realises that this cage is more gaps than bars. So a juvenile cat may pass (risking her whiskers...). The gap is maybe 3 inches when close to the ground and gets narrower as you proceed towards the top.
With a DC 10 Spellcraft check Torin knows that DD uses the astral plane.
With a DC 15 Knowledge (Arcana) check he may know that force spells extend to the ethereal and not to astral.
With a DC 15 Knowledge (Planes) check he knows that ethereal is a transitive plane parallel to the material (thus, extending there makes sense) while astral is a transitive plane practically perpendicular to anything else (thus, extending there makes no sense).
Whoever is familiar with Forcecage immediately realises that this cage is more gaps than bars. So a juvenile cat may pass (risking her whiskers...). The gap is maybe 3 inches when close to the ground and gets narrower as you proceed towards the top.