(11-08-2017, 12:38 AM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: LOL You did see her, at the same instant that you looked into her eyes on the other side of the peephole. Bad time to fail a petrification save. Honestly hought you'd make it too as it was modified for just being a peephole.
Ribley was a fun character to DM to, but he'd be a bAAAD idea in Ravenloft... even worse in the Ravenloft game we used to lplay in, I think you had Sjaemus in Ravenloft with that DM.
A little bit of revisionist history. I remember asking many times what I see because I had a CP (character point from the Skills & Powers) to use so I could reroll the roll but I needed to declare I was using it before I rolled. So I asked repeatedly, "What do I see!" and the response was always, "It's too dark so you can't see but make a save throw." Then Ribley was turned into a Lawn Gnome.
But I digressed.
MiB I didn't mean to hijack your thread with some reminiscing. I would be up to playing a character in this game. I DMed it a long time ago but it has been about 30 years so I don't remember much of anything about the Module.