10-26-2017, 08:05 PM
(10-26-2017, 09:57 AM)Man in Black Wrote: The inmate blinks in response. "Now that you mention it, yeah. I think so. I...I never really noticed him much."
Rahullu raises an eybrow at this information, now thats strange he thinks. Sounds almost as some legends i have heard on kashynkk from the elders about the clone wars and jedi. This merits futher investigation. He contimues eating poundering this information. He turns to the ex imperial who also knows Wookie (sorry dont remember his name now). "Ghroow ahrrow fhroow.
Occ: Can you translaye to the inmate who shares my cell? You got some attitude human just remember you aint the strongest here someone might object with more force than i would, dont like others much, eh?